Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Journalist's Resource - summary of Dava Kohlman

 Dava Kohlman was not on my radar until her boss, former DA Jill Ravitch, sent me an odd email. The strange part wasn't what was said, but what wasn't said; nothing more than "Thank you for the nice letter". So when DA Ravitch  took the time to write me a "go screw yourself" letter, it made me dig deeper.

Within five minutes I learned that fly-fishing guide Brian Kohlman (central to my corruption investigation) was married to DA Ravitch's legal assistant, Dava Kohlman. This seemed to explain why no criminal charges were filed - since the DA's assistant was married to one of the people I was trying to press charges against. Maybe there's some other explanation, but when I emailed Dava Kohlman at her new job she refused to comment and request I make no further contact. 

That's how somebody acts when they have something to hide.

Now, my investigation this criminal Racketeering enterprise involves intellectual property Embezzled from me, and I have have reason to believe that both Brian and Dave Kohlman were benefitted as recipient-Embezzlees of my converted property. 

Since Dava Kohlman's new job is as Purchasing Agent for Tehama County, somebody with a hazy perception of the line between public and private property is absolutely unsuited for the job. And the taxpayers of Tehama County should be aware of this.

Last month, after I notified Tehama Sheriff's Department of her Obstruction, I also emailed several of the County Commission asking for there comment on her criminal charges. So far, none have responded. However, I will keep emailing them and I will post here each time I do, while expecting no response. Eventually, when I finish writing this book, I will name all the public officials I contacted and their lack of response.

Dava Kohlman was only the second to respond to me in almost ten years, and her semi-threatening letter Obstructed Justice.

I sent her a YouTube link of an unsolved hit-and-run, and asked her if she could identify anybody in it. Instead, she said she couldn't possibly remember details from twenty years ago; that she was requesting no further contact from me; and that she would be "contacting" my newspaper.

Why would she need to "contact" my newspaper? To tell them I did a great job catching a corrupt public official?

Or was that a threat?

I'll keep this blog updated with details about Dava Kohlman, the first crack in this Nexus of Corruption.

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