Somebody recently
asked about what history articles I plan on writing in the future.
My first full-length
book, nearly completed, is a “True Crime” novel about a group of
corrupt police officers who embezzled evidence, and then, after I
tried reporting this, Conspired to Obstruct Justice after several
officers watched a car run me over in a crosswalk.
Around that same
time, this same police department was harassing my disabled brother
so severely that he never wanted to leave the house the last twelve
years before he died, I believe these two facts are related, since my
brother begged me several times over the years not to pursue legal
action against the embezzling police department that filed false
police reports to protect the hit-and-run driver from prosecution.
There is a lot more
to this story than that, which is why I have been writing it into a
book. Over the years, several people have argued with me about the
veracity of my claims by telling me:
“But they aren't
supposed to do that,” or:
“But I can't imagine anybody doing something like that.”
both of these statements are mostly true, having somebody keep
interrupting me, over and over again, to refute my claims goes beyond
the mere insult of suggesting I am a liar. The bigger problem is that
these people, perhaps unwittingly, are helping and encouraging
corrupt people abusing their authority.
And these corrupt
people in authority count on their constituency protecting them by
closing their eyes and minds by proclaiming, “But they aren't
supposed to do that.”
isn't the first time I have observed this phenomenon.
a child growing up in Utah, I
encountered a group of multi-generational child abusers. Meaning, the
cruel grandmother bullied her children and step-children into
conforming with her malignant narcissism, and they, in turn, repeated this cruelty on their own children - and other people's children, as well. And so on...
members of this family have demonstrated their complete lack of empathy, their inability to admit mistakes, and an insane victim-blaming: "You CHOSE this to 'happen to' you, and I'm not responsible for your decisions!" They excuse their own behavior, from Fraud to Child Abuse, by insisting their victims chose to be abused.
Of course, grown-ups aren't supposed
to do that to children. But that doesn't
mean I'm just making everything up.
Not surprisingly, one of this group got
the FBI's Most Wanted list for blowing up power lines as an Extortion
scheme, and both of his brothers ran a skin care company charged with
“pump-and-dump” stock fraud. But those investors chose to get defrauded, it seems.
I realize it is difficult for sane, rational people to imagine a child saying, "Please stop! You are hurting me," only to be told, "Well, you CHOOSE to feel that way, and I'm not responsible for your feelings!" It is even harder to imagine a group of people telling that to a child begging for their abuse to stop.
When I have tried explaining what I have observed, people's brains short-circuit, and they will tell me, over and over again, "But why would they do that? I can't imagine a person acting that way!" But when I say, "That isn't even the worst part - let me finish what I started trying to tell you," their overloaded brains simply can't process any more information, and they keep asking, "Why would anybody do that?"
It is hard to imagine somebody who is both a psychologist and a church leader telling a child that they deserve to be abused because that child CHOSE to become possessed by evil spirits.
It is hard to imagine somebody writing children's books who also believes abused children choose their feelings. It is even harder to believe they would actually write that type of "grooming behavior" into one of their children's books.
It is hard to imagine anybody choosing to act so hurtfully without remorse. It is even harder to believe an entire group of people helping each other abuse children this way, and telling abused children, "You Chose this to 'happen to' you, and we are not resonsible for your feelings!"
While this may seem hard to believe, there is a long history of this sort of abuse-and-cover-up. History is known to repeat itself, but I plan on naming names in my book to help stop this Cycle of Abuse. Two members of this group already told me they could shoot me in the head and make it look like a suicide, but that will not stop me from exposing them.
That is just the kind of Historian that I am.